Kreisverwaltungsreferat - Bürgerbüro (KVR) is an office, handles all administration related topics in Munich, which includes Civil Registration, Vehicle Registration, Visa extension, Blue Card, Resident Permits, Driving License etc. Below are some important links related to KVR office: 1. Google Map location of KVR 2. Appointment for Civil Registration - Meldebescheinigung 3. Appointment for Blue Card 4. Appointment for Driving License Getting an appointment is one of the most complicated task in this office. The online appointment portals are quite busy and its hard to find the early appointment dates. Usually you can see no appointment available in next 3-4 months. But still it is always preferable to go there with prior appointment. We can provide you some tips to get early appointment for Civil Registration: 1. Check for online appointment in the morning: Exactly at 7:30am appointment slots open. During that time you can see the appointments are av...
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